USAID Launches a New Activity to Strengthen Agribusiness Development in Uzbekistan

Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development(USAID) announced the launch of the new $18.9 million USAID Agribusiness Development Activity that will support private sector-led growth in agriculture and related sectors in Uzbekistan.

The USAID Agribusiness Development Activity will capitalize on previous USAID investments and advancements in the sector by increasing the quantity, quality, and diversity of agricultural goods and services in Uzbekistan by private enterprises. The activity will support Uzbekistan’s private sector, while enabling the country to create meaningful jobs in the formal economy for its burgeoning workforce. These efforts will be focused on increasing value-added production within Uzbekistan, engaging vulnerable populations, including youth and women, linking educational institutions with the private sector demand, and fostering a favorable environment for agriculture.

USAID has a rich history of supporting the country’s agricultural sector. Over the past decade, USAID played a pivotal role in developing Uzbekistan’s horticulture sub-sector; cold storage capacity; and supporting small, medium, and large-scale facilities throughout the country that  now provide a diverse array of offerings for different storage volumes and needs. Capitalizing on Uzbekistan’s development in the agricultural sector, USAID will partner with the country’s private sector to ensure continued growth by assisting them to scale up investment and efficiency of agribusinesses while increasing their ability to add value beyond simple fresh produce and unprocessed commodities.

The expected period of performance for the new activity is five years. The USAID Agribusiness Development Activity will be implemented throughout both urban and rural areas in Uzbekistan with potential to focus on regional and international trade partners. The activity will coordinate its efforts closely with other donor projects and will seek opportunities to leverage the resources of development partners to maximize its development impact.

USAID partners with the Government of Uzbekistan to diversify the country’s economy and increase regional trade, address serious health threats – including COVID-19 – and build the government’s capacity to respond to the population’s needs. USAID is the world’s premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. For more information, visit: and USAID’s Facebook page:

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